Friday, September 21, 2007

Wordpress ban became worthless!!

Plateau who runs a critical Iranian blog told me that if you want to have access to a wordpress blog in or outside Turkey, you simply have to replace the word 'wordpress' by 'wordprexy'.
For example, Michael has a blog at wordpress. But if you click on his blog you get this, but if you replace the word 'wordpress' by 'wordprexy' you get this...!!
Time to hack the sites of Adnan ...))

Japanese lessons

A friend of mine, Shizu (means 'songbird'), gives through Internet Japanese lessons for free.
It's fun for her.
Here is her blog.
Her sight is not that good, so she is using a screen reader.

Be careful with her..))

Throwing a minister a pie on the face and article 301...

Okay, I admit that we Dutch don't have that kind of respect for authority, especially not politicians, but also not the police forces. And the army? Never seen them. But we have an expression in the Netherlands which goes like: 'Of course we must obey the law, but the law applies only to our neighbors'...Hope you get it.
For politicians we don't like, we express that in a human and funny way: we throw them a pie on the face. Picture above is of Pim Fortuyn during his book presentation, where he got not one, not two, but three cakes on his face.

And during the World climate change conference in the Netherlands the leader of the American delegation, Frank Loy, got a nice cake full of whipped cream on his face... At least he tried to smile. Ah you get used to it..))

But also our Belgian friends know how to deal with this popular phenomenon: here the Flemish Minister for Environment, Kris Peeters, gets one.
It takes only some minutes to clean up the face and change the suit..))

So now, when, for example PM Erdogan gets a cake on his face, will the cake thrower get the electronic chair? I say this because since a Turkish student refused to shake hands (only women can refuse to shake hands under Sharia law..)) with the Turkish minister of Health Recep Akdağ, he spent already 5 days in jail and faces up to 2 years imprisonment.Why?
The student, Durmuş Şahin refused to shake hands with him and they had a 'cozy' conversation:
I don't shake the hand of a person who rules but does nothing for the good of the country”, and: “I don't shake the hands of traitors.” to which Akdağ responded: “You are the traitor. Your mother, father and whole family are traitors.” It is also claimed that two friends of Şahin that are tried for “openly insulting a public official,” said: “What is this ignoble person saying?” according to CNN Türk. And: “I am a Muslim Turkish child, you are a minister. How can you speak like that?”.
He is now facing a prison term of between six months to two years for violating article 301 of the Turkish penal code. So don't throw cakes to ministers and other saints in Turkey...

World famous pie attacks have taken place throughout the world, and claimed such illustrious victims as Microsoft's Bill Gates, Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien, former European Commission President Jacques Delors and Dutch Finance Minister Gerrit Zalm, who was last year felled by an organic banana pie at the opening of the Amsterdam Stock Exchange.

The most active pie throwers are: The Biotic Baking Brigade and Mad Anarchist Bakers' League in the U.S., The Meringue Marauders in Canada, T.A.A.R.T. in Holland and People Insurgent Everywhere (PIE) in the UK.