Tuesday, January 22, 2008


After I left the Netherlands definitely behind me as 'home country' some 9 years ago, there was one thing I really missed. And that was not Dutch beer, Dutch cheese, or cozy life in Amsterdam, the vivid art and or the international business circles. Neither I missed the tolerance where people could have discussion all night long, nor the multi- national and multi cultural atmosphere of Amsterdam (172 different nationalities on a population of 800.000, Turks are one of the 172, he, only one). I also didn't missed the interesting and divers business culture. No, I missed my acupuncturist! While in Czech in the USA I travelled more to Amsterdam than since living in Turkey. So, I could visit him at least several times a year.
I am fond about my acupuncturist since I consider acupuncture and auriculo therapy as one of the best medical treatments available. And it prevents!
Although I found an acupuncturist in Turkey in 2003, I didn't go there that often. I relied on my many business trips (often unpredictable and very irregular) to visit my Dutch acupuncturist. But last weekend, after a terrible week of being sick, up, sick etc., I decided to go back to him. And yes, now the connection was made.
The relation between a doctor and a patient/client is vital. As I am being treated in several Turkish hospitasl like an ATM machine, I found my docter who also can direct me to the right people for other issues.
Not with doctors and who are more in love with my kind of credit card than my health. And yes, that's what I miss in Turkey; a social health care system. Its all about the head scarf, still.
And yes!! I miss Dutch Haring, Kroketten, Hutspot, Pindakaas, Kaas...
But not enough to migrate back..!!

Day Opening - January 22