Thursday, October 11, 2007

Turkey's renaissance and the need for cross cultural communication

Turkey's renaissance and the need for cross cultural communication

Published in Turkish Daily News of October 11, 2007

Hans A.H.C. de Wit

For the past five years I have been asked to help Turkish companies on their way to West Europe, and West European and American companies to get grounded in Turkey. I must say, it was a pleasure, all of these trips to mainly the Netherlands and Germany with my Turkish friends, and to see the surprised faces of West European and American companies on their counter visits when I drove them around in Istanbul. And drinks and food, with a spectacular view over the Bosporus or over the business district of Maslak, Istanbul. But I also noticed something of my West European fellow country people and Americans as well: unfairness toward Turkish business vivacity and culture.

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Day Opening - October 11

Camel Racing, more info.