Monday, November 06, 2006

Smoking in Turkey

Turkey is a smoking country, and a country of 'Smoking Guns' ...once and a while.

Lately I had diner with some friends, close ones. We had a nice chat, but what bothers me was when someone finnished diner, and others are not ready for the next round, they start smoking...and the smoke is send to you in peace to your face...

I am a avid smoker but this too much for appetite is like snow in the Sahara desert...
But can I complain? No.

But there is another thing what bothers me in the Smoking Industry of Turkey:
you don't find good lighters. You can buy them cheap; 1 YTL. But the life of a lighter is not predictable ...sometimes 4 days, sometimes 4 weeks...

Exactly the Life of a smoker...