Monday, May 28, 2007


Most of the time I don't read Ali Kulebi, a director of some kind of pre-cold war institute in Ankara, his 'opinion', or let me say: his column.

This time, because of the tendentious heading, Unbearable arrogance of the EU, I did read his article. Besides the many falsifications and lies, it's the same old nationalist rhetoric.

Also, he forgets to mention that Turkey is a member of the NATO, which as a organization have it golden rules, And without the NATO, it would be a very poor equipped army (I don't think that the modern way of thinking of the Turkish Army fits Mr. Ali, but I am pretty sure, that they like to shop around in imperialistic USA and the EU, rather than in Iran).

Here are some 'rectifications':
- Turkey is not banging on the door of the EU for 45 year. Seriously since 1987, thanks to Ozal. That you have to obey the rules of a club you want to be member of, doesn't seem to bother, in his mind.
-The EU is not interfering, only telling what are the rules to become a member. Simple.
-The EU didn't remove Haider (Austria) from office, only bilateral talks were suspended.
-The three candidates were not following the party line of which they want to represent. Another one is now undersecretary of Justice...Is it possible Mr. Ali that a Dutch born became member of the Turkish government?
-Turkey is the fifth largest market of the EU. Right, and the EU is Turkey's largest business partner. But Europeans are still seen as traitors.
-The Turkish language is not outlawed in the EU. In countries with a huge Turkish population all the government documents are available in Turkish, on national, regional and even local level. And official interpreters are everywhere. But Turkish is not an official language in the EU as English is not in Turkey.
-Turkish business people can freely travel on a one year visa when they plan to do serious business, and not opening a CD shop in Rotterdam. And I have experience in this for 15 years.

All the Turkish business people I have helped in Europe, didn't face one problem with obtaining a visa.

If we take all this together and see what foreigners are facing in Turkey, especially in business, then there rests me one thing to say to Mr. Ali: you are a disturbing hypocrite.