Thursday, December 13, 2007

How to pay a bill...

We’ve all experienced it, an awkward situation when the bill comes up after a dinner with a group. You know the drill… some people say they didn’t drink and some of them probably actually are telling the truth, but you’ve been having to much ‘fun’ to notice or to care about it. Others didn’t order a 18 YTL starter and emphasize that but forget to say that they had that Irish Coffee… Well whatever it is, it is always a hassle.
So here are five ways how to settle the bill:

1. Go Dutch, as the Americans would say. This means that you divide the bill through all people.
2. The pricky way. This is hard and you need to have some calculating skills. Everybody is paying for what they ordered. What did you have? ok that’s 35 YTL then. next…
3. Banking style. Everybody pays whatever they think they should pay and than there is one guy or girl who will cover ‘the rest’.
4.The Entrepreneurial way! One person pays for all of it and says: I’ve had a great dinner and time with you and as I just sold my company I’ll be more than happy to take care of the bill. You were my guests tonight.
5. Play for it! The Credit card game. (probably my favorite) This is fun! If everybody is wining about not splitting the bill equally (or nobody has sold their company lately) I suggest to put everybody their credit card into a hat and let the waitress pick one card who pays for all!It is very exciting (as you probably can imagine).

But there is a way out, as not all people are risk seekers/entrepreneurs, every one can ‘buy’ oneself out for the average price of the bill plus a small “chicken out” premium of lets say 2 euros (hey I’m Dutch, we have euros).
The funny thing is that a lot of people finally will agree to put it the average price plus the premium although they didn’t agree with splitting the bill in the first place. Some people stay in the game for the fun and excitement of it, the others who chickened out are watching the ‘ceremony’ with the waitress picking one card and have fun as well.
This is a win-win-win situation. The people who chickened out feel winners because they paid their part, had a great evening and didn’t lose the game, the people who put in there credit card and won the game win for obvious reasons (they had a free dinner which made their evening) and the loser is a winner because he/she has a story to tell (its bloggable)!


Anonymous said...

Funny story...)
As the Americans call it Paying Dutch, we say 'paying on the American way'.

Esra said...

Are you the "loser" of the last game?
:-) Oh no...
I prefer to divide the bill equally. I don't like all that calculation after a nice dinner. More or less everyone eats/spends almost the same. 4 ppl? Than divide to 4. A couple pays 2/4.

Esra said...

The second option in your article (The pricky way)= We call that in Turkish, "the German way". :-)

Anonymous said...

Nice story..))
You write less about politics...and special reason for that?

Ardent said...

In Australia we also say 'Pay Dutch', meaning splitting the bill amongst the number of people attending. This is the most common. Also works out very convenient for those who have an extremely large appetite and drink heavily because the others subsidize his dinner.

When I go out with my cousins or close girlfriends we take turns in paying the total bill.

Good observation, everyone realizes that 'paying the bill' can be prickly. Entertaining read.:)

Unknown said...

Esra, I pay the bill when people have less than me. And yes, the last time I had to pay..))
I an grown up with the attitude that everybody is equal but that not everybody is equal paid..((
Tufan, yes, less politics..))
Ardent: I have tons of family in Melbourne, Sydney, Tasmania, maybe time to come over there one day and introduce a Dutch Treat..)) Together with Turkish Delight.))

Unknown said...

Geert Jan,
you always pay the American way..))

Ardent said...

Your very welcome Hans. Look forward to meeting Dutch treat and Turkish Delight. Just advise me when?