...Argentina, where the wife of the current president, Nestor Kirchner, will succeed by his wife Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, will maybe happen...

...in 2008 when the former First Lady Hillary Clinton will become the first female president of the USA. For her fans, here here
MySpace and blog...
I don't know about Hillary getting it. America is still run heavily by an "ole' boy" network that makes it hard for those who are not Anglo-Saxon Protestant white males to win the highest office. The Argentines have something similar to this before with the possibility of Evita Peron in the 1950s being vice president with her husband Juan Peron if she hadn't gotten ill with cancer. Then in the 1970s Juan Peron's third wife Isabelita was elected president until the arm forces overthrew her.
Maybe Hillary will get it. I like her and Obama, but I also like Nancy Pelosi mainly because she tries not to make it easy for that belligerent spoiled brat Bush to get what he wants for his war and she pushed on with the Armenian bill even though Bush and his crew said not to.
you are not a a of bush..)) who is?
Bush who? :))
Clinton WAS president for 8 years. Did you miss that?
By the way, I am not sure if Hillary is a sure bet. She may end up with the Democratic nomination, but then the Republican nominee would be a shoo-in.
In which case, the Democrats might push for Gore the Bore to run . . .
Metin, which of the both..))
hillary is sure not "hitting it" at facebook :)
Stephen Colbert is the man!
Kathryn, so makes it on MySpace..)
oh well, good for her, I don't know much about her political visions but it would be nice with a female-president.
kathryn: her political 'vision' is what would make her lose, more than the fact that she is a female.
she wants to turn the health care system in this country into a mess. and she wears pants. a definite no-no.
we need a more feminine touch (especially to deal with global 'affairs').
too bad u r not running . . .
hahahahahahah! "she wears pants, a definite no-no"
please tell me you are not serious about that!
can you please explain what you mean by a feminine touch to deal with global affairs... I mean,, what kind of affairs are we talking about? :)
Kathryn: I don't thin we've met, but one thing about me . . . I am a commenter with a not so serious attitude, care free as we say here in the U.S.
Don't believe everything I write. But one thing definitely true about me:
I am half right 50% of the time!
I meant affairs, as in the kind the French politicians, and their wives, as well as their mistresses, are expected to have.
You are a nobody if you don't have at least one in your lifetime . . .
Another metrosexual Metinism of mine!
oookay, thanks for introduction!
Kathryn: I hope this doesn't affect the way you view me. At least I am brutally honest, but Hillary-ious!
Am I the only one laughing at that joke??
emmm,,, yes, and I'm laughing bc u r.
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