Thursday, August 23, 2007

Toastmaster? What the heck is this..

Today, I found in my inbox an invitation to join Toastmasters online. Since I have never heard about the word, the meaning of 'toastmaster', I checked some sites.
Basically, it's all about arts of speaking, listening, and thinking--vital skills that promote self-actualization, enhance leadership potential, foster human understanding, and contribute to the general betterment of humankind. And it's all about "learning-by-doing". This sounds good or not?! But I know a club of 550 here in Turkey to whom I pass this invitation....


Vassili - Mike said...

Toastmaster is an excellent club for anybody wishing to become a better speaker in any public situation.

Anonymous said...

I love the '550' remark.


Anonymous said...

Toastmaster is in fact a funny word.
I was making links with Toasts..etc..