Monday, July 30, 2007

Hitting the road...

It is vacation time here in Italy and me and my family will also follow the trend. Tomorrow we will pack our car with our luggage, baby's diapers, kids' toys, refrigerating bag full of baby food and cold water and leave... This year our destination is France, mainly Provence. We have no particular plan for the travel when it comes to the locations to visit, hotels to stay at, the length of travel etc. We will just go with the wind ;-) This means that I won't be able to post anything here until September. The main problem is, however, that I won't be able to edit the posts of Hans. So let me apologize on behalf of him for any grammatical mistakes, formatting errors and typos that he might (and most probably will) make during my absence.. :-) I promise to take care of all of these when I am back.

Wishing you all a beautiful August wherever you are..


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the compliment..))
Enjoy your trip. Provence is beautiful

Anonymous said...

Have a nice trip and come back relaxed and with recharged batteries!

Bambi said...

bon voyage ! I will pour water behind your back :P

Anonymous said...

frustrated reading your really ''silly'' comments! Why do not you care of your kids and more house work? Is it your work to make critism Hans's postings?? We do not need your '' corrections'' on his posting, because he is PERFECT on writing! Go ahead and never write always the SAME things about editing editing bla blas stupid things!
You did phd for this critism? Why do not you use yr time to find a job for yourself ''if you can''?

Anonymous said...

not nice what you wrote about my friend..((

Anonymous said...

Neither Yasemon nor I are perfect.
And now she is left for quite some time, it is not really nice what you wrote about her. She helped me a lot, not only with this blog...

Bambi said...

Looks like your English need some improvement as well.
I find it a coward attack!

Yasemin said...

Hans, don't worry about this anonymous creature. I guess it is a 'she' creature that tried to attack me with bull once in the past in my blog. Just ignore. Not worth giving a thought to what she writes..

Kisses from Provence!

Anonymous said...

You must be welcomed in the Provence with fanfare..)) You sounds good..))

Kisses for Gabriele and the kids, and for you as well..)))